Here's a list of all the parts layer out:
(You can follow along with your Bill of Materials)
Click on the underlined titles to get a more detailed description on the parts.
First up is the picture of almost everything (not including what's in the box):

Then the stray stuff:

Packaged Kits:
In the package...

and out...

In the package…

and out...

In the package…

and out…

In the package…

and out…

In the package…

and out...

In the package...

and out…

In the package…

and out...

In the package...

and out…

In the package…

and out…

In the package…

and out…

In the package…

and out…

In the package…

and out...

In the package:

(Out of package pic unavailable)
In the package…

and out…

In the package…

and out…

And finally, the CONTROLLER MOUNT:
In the package…(again)

(Last but not least) and out…

Just so you know, the only things not pictured in this page are the Y Carriage and the Sample Filament that comes with the kit.
If you read this far, you either seriously wanted to make sure that you had all of your parts, or you just wanted to see what was at the bottom. If you were the former, congrats and thanks for persevering! If you're the latter … welcome to the bottom!