15-Minute Upgrade

When my brother’s computer (a MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011) started to lag, my dad decided to let me upgrade it instead of buying a new computer. Here is a time-lapse video of the whole process (as the title suggests, the upgrade took me 15 minutes in real time to execute) :


(This video may not appear if you aren’t watching in a browser window)


I purchased (for the computer hardware):

-16GB kit (8GBx2) DDR3 PC3-10600 Unbuffered NON-ECC 1.35V (http://www.crucial.com/ProductDisplay?urlRequestType=Base&catalogId=10151&categoryId=&productId=11722&urlLangId=-1&langId=-1&top_category=&parent_category_rn=&storeId=10151) for RAM.

-Samsung SSD 840 EVO (http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/global/html/about/SSD840EVO.html)

for the hard drive.

I also used:

-The iFixit Pro Tech Tool Kit (https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Tools/Pro-Tech-Toolkit/IF145-072)

- www.ifixit.com ’s guidance (in this case, https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/MacBook+Pro+13-Inch+Unibody+Early+2011+Hard+Drive+Replacement/5119)

A Coco in the Wild

Coco in the Wild

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